FlashPaper: Self-Destructing Notes

FlashPaper is a unique and innovative tool designed for creating self-destructing messages and notes. This project, available on GitHub and managed by developer Andrew Paglusch, offers users the ability to share information with a high level of confidentiality and security.

The essence of FlashPaper is that after creating a message and sending the recipient a link to it, the message will automatically be destroyed after the first reading. This ensures that confidential information is not stored or accessible for longer than necessary. This approach to information transmission is especially relevant in the digital age, where data privacy and security are becoming increasingly important.

FlashPaper is developed using modern technologies and best security practices. The project’s code is open source, allowing the developer community to contribute to its improvement and development. This also means that anyone interested can review the mechanisms of FlashPaper, ensure its reliability, and, if necessary, adapt it for their specific needs.

Using FlashPaper is simple and intuitive. Users only need to create a message on the FlashPaper website, after which they will receive a link that can be sent to the recipient. As soon as the recipient opens the link and reads the message, it is immediately deleted from the system and becomes inaccessible for further viewing. This is an ideal solution for transferring passwords, confidential information, or any data that must remain secret.

The FlashPaper project is distinguished by its transparency, security, and ease of use, making it an important tool in the arsenal of digital security. We invite everyone interested in enhancing their data protection to familiarize themselves with the project on GitHub and contribute to the development of this unique platform.

Installing FlashPaper

To install FlashPaper, you will need a server with Docker + docker-compose installed.

Navigate to the FlashPaper project repository and download the docker-compose.yml file.

version: "3.5"
    image: ghcr.io/andrewpaglusch/flashpaper:v2
    container_name: flashpaper
    restart: always
      - './data:/var/www/html/data'
      - '8080:80'
      SITE_TITLE: "FlashPaper :: Self-Destructing Message"
      SITE_LOGO: "img/logo.svg"
      DISPLAY_LOGO: "true"
      DISPLAY_TITLE: "false"
      RETURN_FULL_URL: "true"
      BASE_URL: "" # https://mydomain.com/flashpaper
      MAX_SECRET_LENGTH: "3000"
      MESSAGES_ERROR_SECRET_TOO_LONG: "Input length too long"
      MESSAGES_SUBMIT_SECRET_HEADER: "Create A Self-Destructing Message"
      MESSAGES_VIEW_CODE_HEADER: "Self-Destructing URL"
      MESSAGES_VIEW_CODE_SUBHEADER: "Share this URL via email, chat, or another messaging service. It will self-destruct after being viewed once."
      MESSAGES_VIEW_SECRET_HEADER: "Self-Destructing Message"
      MESSAGES_VIEW_SECRET_SUBHEADER: "This message has been destroyed"
      PRUNE_ENABLED: "true"
      PRUNE_MIN_DAYS: 365
      PRUNE_MAX_DAYS: 730

In the docker-compose.yml file, specify your domain name or subdomain in the BASE_URL variable where your service will be located.

By default, the service will be available on port 8080. If necessary, change this port in the docker-compose.yml file.
Save the changes and deploy the container with the command:

docker-compose up -d

Point your domain or subdomain to the IP address of your server and go to your site.

Now, enter the text you want to share and click on “Encrypt Message”.

After that, you will receive a link that will work only once. Open the link in your browser.

To view the content, click on the “View Secret” button.

If we try to open the same link again, we will see the following message.

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